Saving money and spending less time in the airport are two of the biggest reasons travelers choose to pack only a carry-on and forgo checking a suitcase. If you’re traveling internationally, figuring out what can you pack in your carry-on and how to pack a suitcase that can be taken onboard with you is a little trickier, but with the right carry-on packing tips, you can breeze past baggage claim and head straight to the beach. Use this carry on checklist, and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime.
Before taking carry-on luggage out of the closet, it’s important to double check size allowance for your airline. Since all the items on your carry-on packing list will be stored in a single bag, a hard-shell suitcase is the sturdiest option to protect everything, and it won’t get crushed in the overhead. Underneath the seat in front of you, you can also have a personal item, like a laptop bag, purse, or tote bag. If everything on your carry-on packing list doesn’t fit in your main bag, you can throw a few extra items into this bag.
With a sturdy suitcase and personal item, you can now start planning what to pack in carry-on bag for flight. Before putting anything from your carry-on checklist into the bag, gather it together in your house to take inventory of each item. Since you’ll be packing for several days in a single piece of carry-on luggage, plan outfits that can be worn on different occasions, like a dress that can be used for a casual day of exploring your destination or dressed up to go out to dinner. Pulling all the items together first allows you to eliminate unnecessary stuff and makes figuring out how to pack a suitcase easier.
How to pack a carry-on for an entire trip, requires attention to detail. One of the best carry-on packing tips is to put heavier items at the bottom and distribute your items so that both sides of the suitcase are equally weighted. If you’re also taking a small personal item, this is the place to store any books, headphones, or other items you’ll want for the plane ride. When it comes to how to pack a carry-on and folding your clothes, Marie Kondo, the tidying-up expert, has helped people transform their lives and closets with her signature style for folding clothes, which will keep your clothes wrinkle free and save space in your carry-on luggage.
According to the TSA carry-on checklist, your carry-on packing list can only include one clear quart-sized bag of liquid items, and all items must be 3.4 ounces or less. While this limits the toiletries you can bring, there are a few carry-on packing tips that will help you reduce how many liquids you need to bring. Most resorts have shampoo, conditioner, soap, and lotion waiting for you in your suite, and some even have more products available at the front desk. If you’re tight on what to pack in carry-on bag for flight, leave these items at home. Other items, like contact solution and hairspray, can likely be purchased in your destination. While you likely won’t use an entire bottle on your trip, you’ll be thankful for the extra room that makes figuring out how to pack a carry-on easier.
Having a plan for how to pack a suitcase is especially important when that suitcase needs to fit into an overhead compartment. Choosing what to pack in carry-on bag for flight can be tricky, but if you follow these steps and tips, you’ll quickly be on your way to paradise.
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